Tips to Design a Successful Facebook Post

Are you looking for facebook post templates to help you design a professional looking advertorial? If you are, then this article will give you some tips and advice on how to go about designing a facebook advertorial. It is vital that you use a typography style that compliments your advertorial. Using the wrong typeface can put off potential customers.

When deciding upon the headline it is important to remember that it is not simply a block of text. Your headline should be an opportunity to sell yourself or your company. Begin your message with a few powerful words such as "How will I know if you're right for me?" A good headline will also grab attention, so do not worry too much about turning your readers head towards the copy. Once you have captured their attention, your second line should state exactly what your company does and how it can benefit them.

A strong headline is always the best way to start any advertorial and can easily become the most important part of your post. Avoid using excessive text on your headline however as most people will not be able to read your copy. A good rule of thumb is to only include the bare essentials in your headline. This means using a maximum of two to three bullets. This gives you plenty of space to state exactly what you want people to know.

You may find yourself needing to use an element called a "call to action" but what exactly does this mean? It is important to make sure that every sentence in your text is leading up to a specific action. For example, you may be writing about the benefits of using Facebook, so you would use the following text: "I'm going to show you how I can set up your profile so that you can invite friends". Remember, you need to tell people what they need to do in order for you to benefit from their presence.

One of the most powerful ways to encourage people to take action is to present them with a "get to see" or "buy now" button. The more sales pitches you have in your content, the less likely you are to attract people to click through and buy your product. Just make sure you don't overdo it with the sales talk, just a little bit of persuasion goes a long way.

Your next text post will need to present a clear image of your product. You'll need to draw the eye of readers to your product offer. Use a photo to illustrate your point and use a good quality product image if possible. This will help entice readers into seeing what your product has to offer. Take care not to obscure important details with large graphics, the fewer links you use in your post, the more likely it is that visitors will ignore your advert and move on to more useful offers. Your images must be shown in their proper size and position on your page, using the correct ratio.

Your final text post on your page will need to offer a link to your product salespage. Place the link in an obvious location where potential customers will find it when they do a search for your products. Ensure the salespage is relevant to your target audience and the wording must be easy to understand and grammatically correct. Your headline needs to be focused on one sentence or two, the rest of the post can be used for more information and recommendations.

If you follow these tips, your Facebook campaign should be a success. You'll need to fine tune your tactics and add in some other sales and advertising strategies to generate more sales. However, if you want to achieve the best results you need to carefully plan out your text ads. There's no point in having a great looking design, if you're not going to use it effectively to drive sales.


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